Looking for B-Reft? You’re on the right page! I started rapping back in 2007 in an attempt to recover from a depression. Music healed me by providing me a way to express. In 2010, I released Geek Turned Monsta and I continued working on some other projects.

However, I must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere because the lyrics I wrote after that album seemed very dark and violent. Confused, I decided to take a break from music to concentrate on other things, especially, to find out who I really was.

B-Reft is dead. Long live Jerry Radwick!

Around 10 years later, in 2020, I felt ready for a fresh start without my dark passenger, B-Reft. Since I had changed a lot over the years, I chose to use a new name: Jerry Radwick.  You can read more about how B-Reft became Jerry Radwick in the article: Exit B-Reft, Enter Jerry Radwick.

My music from the B-Reft days is still available, so feel free to give it a listen!

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